Humor in Different Countries

In a previous post on Humor in Different Countries (2012), I tried to make a point about humor not being culturally neutral. (Click here to read it). I don’t think there are many people who will disagree with the above point. In order to illustrate the...

International Management and Managing Expectations

What is International Management? Checking the online encyclopedia Wikipedia does not give an answer (the page does not exist!). Still, in Cultural Awareness Training, it is a real important issue. How do you manage internationally and/or how do you manage the...
Working Internationally; 3 Things to consider

Working Internationally; 3 Things to consider

Working Internationally After doing a presentation on Personal Cultural Awareness Training in Amsterdam last month for Talk about IT, I was asked to comment on what 3 things someone can do to better understand “the other” culture. Watch this short 2-minute...