Japanese versus Western Culture

Japanese versus Western culture; What are the differences? First: What is considered Western culture? First a list of what we (here at Culture Matters) consider Western countries (possibly skipping a couple): Canada USA UK Netherlands Scandinavia France Germany...

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Doing business in the UK explained (plus examples)

Doing business in the UK When it comes to international business, understanding the cultural differences between countries/regions is crucial for success. Geert Hofstede's cultural dimensions will give you a framework for understanding these differences. This will...

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Scandinavian Culture

Understanding Scandinavian Culture Through Geert Hofstede's Model of Cultural Differences Scandinavian culture is an interesting mix of rich traditions, history, and breathtaking landscapes. To gain a deeper insight and understanding of this unique cultural makeup, we...

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A Culture of (Global) Compliance in International Banking

A Culture of (Global) Compliance: How Banking Differs (and Stays The Same) Around the World When it comes to banking and financial institutions, despite differences in regulations and currency, one common thread that brings together all wealth managers and banks...

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Nordic Culture and Scandinavian

Nordic Culture, Scandinavian, and Swedish Culture. [6-mins] Is this One Region? Americans crossing the Atlantic often say they're going to "Europe", thinking in terms of a region. But of course, Europe is a continent and not one country. Europe is in fact one of the...

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How to Shake Hands in Other Cultures

How to Shake Hands in Other Cultures; To Kiss Bow or Shake Hands [3-mins] How often do you kiss if that's the way you greet each other? In Belgium, it is once. In the Netherlands, it is three times. In the USA you air-kiss (kissing when only the cheeks touch...

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