International Project Management; A Cultural Perspective

International Project Management [4-mins read] Most people I meet during Cultural Awareness Training work in an International Project Management way. International Project Management also seems to be expanding since more and more organizations move (parts of) their...

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Managing Diversity in the Workplace

Cultural Awareness Training, Cultural Competency Training, and Managing Diversity in the Workplace; What's the Take-Away?​ [4-mins read] I think you'll agree with me that when you work internationally, culture plays a role and that different cultures can cause...

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French Business Culture & Doing Business in France

French Business Culture, Doing Business in France, and Facts About France's Culture [4-mins read] This article will give you an insight into the values, attitudes, and culture of the French, especially when doing business in France. I will also discuss the typical...

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German Business Culture and Doing Business in Germany

German Business Culture & Doing Business in Germany Dissected​ [4-mins read] In this article, I am dissecting German business culture and will give you some practical advice on doing business in Germany in a business context. Doing Business in Germany, What Will...

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Do We Kiss Bow Or Shake Hands? And What About Sneezing?

Do We Kiss Bow Or Shake Hands? [4-mins read] How do we deal with the cultural ritual of greetings? The book "Kiss Bow or Shake Hands" attempts to answer that obvious questions with that obvious ritual of meetings and greetings going on within an international context....

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Good Luck Charms Around the World

Good Luck Charms Around the World Good luck, bad luck, it all happens to us once in a while. For some that doesn't go far enough so they add a so-called Good Luck Charm in order to... well, get more luck I guess. Now here comes the interesting thing: You know that I...

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