Belgian and Dutch Culture

There are many countries and regions that share a border and a language. Here are a few:Belgian and Dutch Culture; Shout Dutch Belgian

  • Germany & Austria
  • Canada & the United States
  • The State of West Bengal & Bangladesh
  • South America
  • The Arab-speaking countries
  • And probably more…

Then there is Belgium and the Netherlands (Ok, the Dutch-speaking part of Belgium).

My statement is this: “No two countries share a border and a language that differ more than Belgium and the Netherlands.”

Quantify the Differences between Belgian and Dutch culture

As you might know, I’m using an updated version of the so-called Hofstede model to quantify the differences between Belgian and Dutch cultures. Below is a table that gives you an overview of the above-mentioned countries and their respective score on the updated Hofstede model.

For a more extensive overview of these dimensions click here.

 HierarchyWe versus IProcess versus GoalsAnxiety avoidance
United States39906345

As you can see the biggest difference across the four dimensions is between the Netherlands and Belgium. Of course, some countries differ more, but the criteria here are two countries sharing a language + a border.

The Love-Hate Feeling between Belgian and Dutch culture

So how do the Belgians see the Dutch?

Well, it is not really hate. In fact, I don’t like that word at all. It is more in the form of the saying “A love-hate relationship“. On one side there is a dislike from the Flemish towards the Dutch and on the other side, there is a certain form of liking for the Dutch as well.

First the Dislike.

What the Flemish dislike about the Dutch is that they are so loud, they talk too much (if not all the time), their humor is vulgar, and they are way too direct to the likings of the Dutch-speaking Belgians.

Now you might think that that is quite a lot of dislike, and that is true. The best piece of advice I got one day from a Belgian lady in answer to my question about how to do better business with the Belgians as a Dutchman was: … (she took a long pause) … “Simply be quiet. Shut up and listen for once“. After that comment I was quiet 😉

Second the Like

Next to the number of dislikes, there are also likes. Here is a couple: The Flemish admire the Dutch for their speaking abilities. This might sound contrary to what I said earlier, but when it comes to public speaking, the Dutch tend to be appreciated for their verbal abilities.

At times, the Belgians envy the Dutch entrepreneurial spirit. Compared to the Belgians, the Dutch are much more innovative and ready to try out new things.

I once met a person from West Flanders who had developed a product that would help car leasing companies save about 2-3% on their fuel costs. You would think every car leasing company would jump on it. But no. He tried to “sell” his ideas in Belgium, but couldn’t get a foot in the door. He then tried the Dutch market and was in business in no time.

One other example of Dutch entrepreneurship is in e-commerce. In the Netherlands, people buy much more online than in Belgium (although the Belgians are playing catch-up), and the Dutch have been buying online longer than the Belgians. Belgians are more conservative and prefer to stick to what is familiar. As a consequence, two big Dutch e-commerce companies, & CoolBlue, have taken control of the complete Belgian e-commerce market when it comes to electronics and consumer goods.

Overall Conclusion on Belgian and Dutch Culture

Overall I think that there is more dislike than like, typically when it comes to doing business between the Dutch and the Belgians. The Dutch think they have a deal while the Belgian is only considering all his or her options.

You could say that for the Dutch it is more difficult to do business in Belgium. They start with a -1 – 0 score in a way. For the Belgians, it is easier to do business in the Netherlands. The Dutch play checkers; are a pretty straightforward game. The Belgians play chess; a very sophisticated think-ahead game.

Further Reading

If you like this article you can leave a comment, or share it on Social Media. Thanks for that.

There is more on the differences between Belgian and Dutch culture. If you want to read more, go to this article (Dutch). It lists the differences clearly.

Want to read more about Dutch culture, read this article.

An article about humor in different countries can be found here.

An article about Dutch culture can be found here.

Why you will find the Dutch everywhere.

A dedicated post on the Belgian management style can be found here.

More on Belgium can be found here.

Want to do business with the Belgians? Read this article.

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About Peter van der Lende

Peter van der Lende International business development

Peter has joined forces with Culture Matters.

Because he has years and years of international business development experience joining forces therefore only seemed logical.

Being born and raised in the Netherlands, he has lived in more than 9 countries of which most were in Latin America.

He currently lives in Atlanta, Georgia (USA) with his family.

You can find out more at

Or find out what Peter can do for you here.

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