Cultural Trend Spotting; The Curse of Campanilismo?

Cultural Trend Spotting in Europe Media commentators are talking about the long-term risk that the European institutions will “disintegrate”. But the foundations on which these institutions are based – the subsoil of the European Union – are also shaky. There are a...

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Dutch Culture vs American Culture; USA and the Netherlands

In this article, I want to talk specifically about Dutch Culture vs American Culture: [4-mins read] Dutch culture vs American culture American culture in more specifics Cultural diversity in the United States; what does that mean? The inspiration for this article came...

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Culture and Personality and Cultural Traits

Culture and Personality and Cultural Traits I get the question very often during a Cultural Awareness Training: "What is the relationship between Culture and Personality?" and "What's the difference between cultural traits and personality traits?". This article is an...

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Long Term Orientation Hofstede Examples

Long Term Orientation Hofstede Examples My previous post on the cultural dimension Long Term Orientation of Hofstede had a lot of comments. Mainly on Social media. Since the concept of this dimension is often quite confusing for Westerns, I'd like to share a couple of...

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What Is Long Term Orientation?

Let's start with a definition of Long Term Orientation, so we're all on the same page: "A national culture attribute that emphasizes the future, thrift and persistence." It's likely that you can find more definitions, but this one makes sense and is compact. The way...

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Compliance Risk Management In Different Cultures

It is well known that different cultures deal differently with Compliance Risk Management. But why is this? How do different cultures deal with rules and regulations in general? Is it true that Germans always stick to the rules? And that Americans only look at the...

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How to use the Cultural Reference Sheet

I have recently added a resource page to Culture Matters (click here to get it), which is the so called Cultural Reference Sheet. This Cultural Reference Sheet gives an overview of countries and their respective scores on 4 culture dimension, partially inspired by the...

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