Trust in International Business (but Verify)

Trust in International Business (but Verify)

The phrase ‘Trust but Verify’ was emphatically used by former US President, Ronald Reagan during his dialogues with Michael Gorbachev, then-leader of the Soviet Union. Reagan picked up the phrase from an American writer called Suzanne Massie, who told him that...

International Business: Avoid the Hamster Wheel!

Avoid the Hamster Wheel in International business and trade culture For humans to be portrayed as hamsters in a wheel is not considered something positive. It suggests putting in effort without ever obtaining results. A waste of time. More importantly, though, it...

Culture Eats Strategy for Breakfast

Culture Eats Strategy for Breakfast; Management, Get It Right This Time! [4-min read] I wish I had come up with this quote but unfortunately, the late Peter Drucker beat me to it. But what an excellent, simple, to-the-point, and oh-so-true statement. Watch this short,...