A Story on Cultural Awareness Relating to Task vs Relationship Orientation
It was my second trip to Guatemala. This time is also work-related.
My trip covered 6 days in total. I had to work on Thursday & Friday, and Monday & Tuesday. Leaving the weekend in between to myself. I hadn’t made any plans yet, which turned out to be a good thing.
After Work
When my first two days of work were over on Friday afternoon, one of my Guatemalan colleagues asked me what I was doing the weekend. “Nothing yet, have a couple of beers here and there, that’s it” was my reply.
“Why don’t you come with me, and I’ll take you to Lake Atitlan,” he asked. I hadn’t planned anything, and wouldn’t mind the company, so I agreed to his proposal. “I’ll pick you up at 9 tomorrow morning (Saturday)”. That was fine by me.
The Next Day
I was ready, waiting in the hotel lobby, at 9 o’clock sharp. An appointment is an appointment, right?
What time do you think he showed up? No, not 11 o’clock or later. He walked through the revolving doors at 9.30! Walking towards me, looking at his watch saying: “Don’t you think I’m on time, ’cause I know that’s important to you.”
I was fine with it. At least he showed up in the first place.
We took off in his Volkswagen Golf. After a few miles, he told me that we should get some gasoline before driving on. Made sense to me.
After getting our gasoline, my “guide” told me we would go and pick up a friend of his. A friend I thought? You never told me about this. His friend turned out to be another colleague. Also, that was fine.
The next few stops
After our first two stops, it turned out that we had to make two more stops before starting our trip to Lake Atitlan. The first stop was to do some groceries. The last stop was to pick up a tuxedo, which my guide needed that evening for a party he was going to.
If you’ve ever been to Guatemala City, you know that the traffic is horribly slow. What takes 20 minutes to walk, takes 45 minutes by car.
All in all, it took us several hours before we finally started driving. I was confused, to say the least.
Lake Atitlan
After driving for some time we pulled over for a pizza lunch at the side of the road, having Lake Atitlan insight.
When our lunch was done, my colleague/guide told me we should return to Guatemala City.
I was even more confused.
My Learning Point
On our way back I asked, “I thought we were going to Lake Atitlan?”. His answer? “Isn’t it more important that we’re together?”
It hit me like a bomb. Of course! I am Dutch, I come from an Individualistic culture. He was Guatemalan a (very) Collectivistic culture. I am very task-oriented (appointment at 9.00; the two of us; going to Lake Atitlan; It’s a Task!). He is much more Relationship-oriented (time is flexible; the two of us or more people joining; being together; Lake Atitlan is only a side effect!).
I didn’t complain. But rather enjoyed the company and the very wise lesson I was taught, raising my Cultural Awareness.
Comments? Leave them at the end of this post
Read this article on Mexico if you want to learn more
To read an article about task vs relationship orientation, go here.
- 189 Cultural Differences in Asia with Dona Amelia - 25 February 2025
- 188 Quantum Sense and Cultural Differences with Pam Buchanan - 11 February 2025
- 187 Building a Collaborative Global Culture with Jim Fielding - 28 January 2025
Hi Chris,
Thanks for sharing your cultural experience. I enjoyed it!
Hi Anne,
Sorry for the late reply. But thanks for your comment and compliment!
Hi Chris,
thanks for posting your experience in Guatemala.
Being half German, half Mexican I really enjoyed reading your post.
Hi Katrin,
Thanks for your compliment!
If you have anything you’d like to share, don’t hesitate to get in touch with me.
Amusing story but at any time did it occur to you that he might just be taking you from a ride or is my conspiracy-oriented French side revealing itself?
Hi Maureen,
Thanks for your comment.
Indeed I think your “conspiracy-oriented French side” is revealing itself 🙂
I can promise you that his/their intentions were absolutely genuine.
I might even think that your thought process in formulating your comment is indeed a sign of Individualisme (rather than Conspicacy-oriented).
Hi Chris,
I enjoyed reading your post. I hope you have finally visited Lake Atitlan and have been in other places such as Tikal or Antigua: Guatemala is a beautiful country!
Regarding your post, I have experienced the same situation when I was in South America. I agree that Task/Relationships and relation to Time are quite different in this country.
As you said, this experience has raised your cultural awareness. According to me, being aware of culture differences are important for at least two reasons:
– It helps us reduce our frustration about others’ way of being/doing,
– It allows us to understand that people express their supposed cultural norms to greater or lesser degrees. In other words, it reduces stereotypes and generalizations.
Have a great day.
Hi Gregory,
Thanks for your comment. I totally agree with your two points.