by Chris Smit | Jun 19, 2016 | Collecitivism
The country is Japan. The setting is a commuter train. The situations is a pregnant woman, wearing a badge telling people around her she is pregnant. The reason for this is so other sitting passengers will stand up (if they can, due to the crowded train!), and let the... by Chris Smit | Apr 9, 2012 | General, General Culture
When giving a Cultural Awareness Training there is the question: Does Cultural Diversity make you Smile or Cry? In order to answer this question, it makes sense “breaking” culture/diversity (in this case inter-changeable words) into different layers. Much... by Chris Smit | Apr 4, 2012 | Culture Matters
During our Cultural Awareness Training, we focus on Where Culture Is. In other words, can we isolate culture and distinguish it from Personality and what is Common to All ManKind? The answer is yes. Culture has a place amongst the other two (Personality and What is...