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About This Week’s Guest: Sundae Bean
![Sundae Bean]()
Sundae Bean is an executive coach, intercultural specialist, and trainer.
She supports organizations by helping their employees and the accompanying families live well and work successfully across cultures – without losing their sense of adventure.
She is American by birth, Swiss by marriage, and an expat in Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso by choice.
Her three tips to become more culturally competent are:
- Understand what your own cultural values are. You need to understand them first to make sense of what the “other” is doing.
- Get curious about the other culture(s). Ask yourself if it is really true what you think, feel, see, and/or experience.
- Make sure you are well-balanced. What I mean by this is that you need to be physically healthy and well rested, because experiencing intense cultural differences can take not only a mental toll but also a physical toll.
Interview Links
Links that are mentioned in this episode:
Website: http://sundaebean.com/
Build Your Cultural Competence
In the Culture Matters podcast, we interview real people with real stories.
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Thank you so much for taking the time to read this far, and to listen to my Podcast.
I hope you will be back for the next episode of the Culture Matters Podcast!
- 187 Building a Collaborative Global Culture with Jim Fielding - 28 January 2025
- 186 Doing Business in Japan - 14 January 2025
- 185 American Business with Muraly Srinarayanathas - 17 December 2024