by Chris Smit | Jun 19, 2016 | Collecitivism
The country is Japan. The setting is a commuter train. The situations is a pregnant woman, wearing a badge telling people around her she is pregnant. The reason for this is so other sitting passengers will stand up (if they can, due to the crowded train!), and let the... by Chris Smit | Apr 14, 2014 | Business
[4-mins read] I get the question of almost every cultural awareness training: “Can you give me some Do’s & Don’ts of this particular country?” or “What about this or that Business Etiquette?” It’s a very valid question and... by Chris Smit | Dec 11, 2012 | Long Term Orientation
Long Term Orientation Hofstede Examples My previous post on the cultural dimension Long Term Orientation of Hofstede had a lot of comments. Mainly on Social media. Since the concept of this dimension is often quite confusing for Westerns, I’d like to share a...