Information about Chris Smit for the Press & information for your Events.
Below is a short Bio of Chris Smit
Chris Smit MSc. (1963) makes companies and organizations more aware of cultural diversity. In business, the impact of cultural differences are still under-estimated. We talk a lot about globalization. The world seems to be getting smaller, and yet we all bear the mark of the culture in which we grew up. This often leads to misunderstandings that are detrimental to your business. More attention to cultural diversity should be a top priority for companies and organizations.
Chris puts you on track to efficiently deal with the cultural differences. Since 1993 he has advised thousands of people from more than 100 different nationalities. His work has taken him to more than 45 countries. He is a passionate and enthusiastic speaker with extensive experience in coaching and managing staff at all levels.
The World in Your Pocket
Chris was born in Amsterdam. He has lived in three different countries (US, Netherlands, and Belgium, where he still lives).
As a marketing and sales consultant for the Dutch airline KLM, he traveled the world. Meanwhile, he earned a Master’s degree in psychology at the University of Amsterdam. In 2007, he founded the company Culture Matters. Chris helps companies working in an international context to become aware and deal with cultural differences.
The C of Complex
Culture is a complex concept. You get your cultural identity as you grow up, whether you like it or not. This cultural footprint stems from learned behavior. Why is a German always on time? Why is a Frenchman’s lunch break so important? Why is it difficult for Indians to say no? Why are Dutch so much more direct and candid than Belgians?
They might be stereotypes to you, but they are recognizable and there is always a grain of truth. How true is that truth, and how can I use these cultural differences as a lever? How can I avoid cultural diversity as being an obstacle? That is what cultural competence is all about.
The C of Competence
How do you acquire that cultural competence? “For me, cultural competence is that you have the ability to effectively deal with people of different cultural and socio-economic backgrounds,” says Chris. You only learn this skill by trial and error. It’s a long process, in which a great sense of nuance is needed. Chris’s insights are an eye-opener to see a different perspective of our globalized world.
The C of Concrete
Companies working on their cultural competence reap the rewards, both in time & money. Cultural competence ensures a more focused management, effective production, and more humane HR policies.
Chris is an inspirational speaker and a seasoned consultant. He knows how to translate the concept of cultural diversity in a clear and compelling story and solution. His great expertise is a source of inspiration for a very diverse audience.
Chris Smit has several international publications in his name and a frequent (Keynote) speaker at international business events.
He has been running a Podcast on Culture Matters for the last 4 years. It’s available for free in the iTunes store.
Chris also spoke at TEDx (see video below)
Looking for a public speaker, read this article.
Below you can find the PDF version of Chris Smit’s LinkedIn Profile.
Bio Chris Smit
To go to Chris’s LinkedIn profile directly, click here.
Alternative Bio of Chris Smit
The Global Expert, Chis Smit, has become a role model for many individuals throughout his career. Cultural Diversity and Company Culture can be greatly misunderstood within an industry that is continuously evolving and Chris is looking to spread awareness in these areas to help implement change. When booked as a speaker, Chris focuses on topics such as Intercultural Management, Leadership, Management, and Marketing.
In 1987, Chris attended the University of Amsterdam where he was awarded a master’s degree in Organisational Psychology. This was then followed by him gaining a Business Consultant role at KLM Royal Dutch Airlines. Dedicated to making a difference, Chris has now become a Managing Partner of Culture Matters. His beliefs not only benefit himself but thousands of people throughout the business world which is why he has been able to build a successful career.
Chris hosted the TEDx Talk ‘Humor and culture in international business in 2014, where he shared his perspective on business culture and the importance of businesses considering it. He is also the author of the two books, ‘How to Overcome Cultural Differences in Business and ‘Uncertainty Avoidance in International Business which have both become very popular. Due to his knowledge in multiple areas, Chris is highly respected and is now looking to share his experiences and speak openly about matters he believes need to change.
Chris Smit has been greatly recognized for his commitment and passion throughout his career. He has played a significant role in spreading awareness throughout the business industry about Cultural Differences and Company Culture and is now respected for the change that he is trying to enforce. Chris’s expertise and knowledge have allowed him to become an inspirational speaker, and when looking for someone to captivate an audience, look no further than Chris.
Below are three images of Chris.
All are different sizes and resolutions. Left image has the highest resolution
Videos of Chris on Culture
Chris Smit on Cultural Differences (1:03)
Chris Speaking at a TEDx Event (14:42)
Chris Smit on Stereo Types (2:19)
Watch this 12 minute video
Chris Smit on Cultural Differences II (1:17)
Client Section
Some of Culture Matters’ clients can be found here.

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