This page is dedicated to the resources used by Culture Matters for our cultural awareness training . You’ll find a typical
reading list, a list of books relevant to the subject and more goodies that you can use. Should you find anything missing please use the Contact Form and I’ll make sure to add it to this list of Cultural Awareness Training Resources page. We do ask you to leave your email address in order to improve security and prevent spam. We will keep your email address absolutely private (read our Privacy Statement). All these resources are FREE for Registered visitors only!

Books on Intercultural Management
- Chris Smit Msc.: How to Overcome Cultural Differences in Business: Avoid the Mistakes that Everyone Else is Making When Doing Business Internationally
- Chris Smit Msc.: Uncertainty Avoidance in International Business; The hidden cultural dimension you need to understanding when doing business overseas
- Björn Bjerke, Business Leadership, and Culture: National Management Styles in the Global Economy
- Craig Storti, The art of crossing cultures
- Culture Shock! A guide to customs and etiquette
series of books on more than 60 different countries, Times Media Private Ltd
- Edward T. Hall, The Silent Language
- Edward T. Hall, Beyond Culture
- Geert Hofstede, Culture’s Consequences
- Geert Hofstede, Cultures, and Organizations, Software of the Mind
- Geert Hofstede, Masculinity, and Femininity
- Hofstede, Pedersen & Hofstede, Exploring culture
- Marieke de Mooij, Global Marketing, and Advertising
- Marieke de Mooij, Consumer Behaviour, and Culture
- Susan Schneider & Jean-Louis Barsoux, Managing across cultures
- Samuel P. Huntington, The Clash of Civilizations and the Remaking of World Order
- Fons Trompenaars, Riding the Waves of Culture: Understanding Diversity in Global Business
Cultural Reference Sheet
The Cultural Reference Sheet give you an overview on how a number of countries score on Prof. Hofstede’s first four dimensions:
- Power Distance
- Individualism
- Masculinity
- Uncertainty Avoidance
Get an overview of Countries and their respective scores on 4 Culture Dimensions. Click here to get it.
Examples of books on specific countries or regions
- Yale Richmond & Phyllis Gestrin, Into Africa
- Eduardo Archetti, Masculinities
- Jianguang Wang, Westerners Through Chinese Eyes
- Tony Fang, Chinese Business Negotiating Style
- Verner Worm, Vikings And Mandarins
- H. Wenzhong, & C. Grove, Encountering The Chinese
- Philippe d’Iribarne, La Logique de l’Honneur
(on France, the USA, and the Netherlands)
- Greg Nees, Germany: Unraveling an Enigma
- David Matsumoto, The New Japan
- Jacob Vossestein, Dealing with the Dutch
- Eva Kras, Management in two cultures
- Orlando Figes, Natasha’s Dance
(on Russia)
- Edward Stuart & Milton Bennet, American Cultural Patterns
- Frank E. Hugget, The Dutch Today
- E.M. Goldratt, Jeff Cox, The Goal
- David Clive Price, The Master Key to Asia
- David Clive Price, The Master Key to China