Cultural Awareness Training for C-level Managers

Cultural Awareness Training for C-level Managers

Due to the increasingly international and intercultural nature of businesses, leadership today requires the ability to direct and inspire across cultural boundaries.

Business Leadership

Although it sounds simple, business leadership is anything but. Leadership is ultimately about behavior, not about skills. Today’s global leaders have to guide, motivate, and generate a sense of trust in the people, and their followers.  This means demonstrating qualities such as reliability, honesty, humility, courage, commitment, sincerity, passion, confidence, positivity, wisdom, and sensitivity. However, these qualities are not culturally neutral.

Our corporate and business leadership training seminars are designed to help managers to unleash their intercultural potential.

Our leadership coaching is designed specifically for each client to ensure a personalized, and therefore effective, service. Our training approach is centered on the development of unconscious competence through organic training methods.

Tailor-made Senior Leadership Workshop

Our leadership training courses are tailor-made for each client.
Examples of areas we examine include:
• The development of international business (from a cultural & business economic point of view)
• Cultural models of leadership
• What people desire in a leader – and how one can adapt  behavior
• Culture clashes – and the way towards an effective resolution
• Behavioral Strategies for bridging cultural differences
• Intercultural (management) team building
• Effective communication across cultures
• Performance reviews – to measure is to know

When you’d like to know more, click here to contact us

Cultural Awareness Training for C-level Managers on Culture Matters

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