Traveling the World After Selling Everything You Have

About This Week’s GuestTraveling the world; palle bo

Palle Bo

Palle is a Danish podcaster and radio journalist traveling to every country in the world.

Much like Henrik Jeppesen who was on the show some time back. Check out that interview here.

His tips to become more culturally aware are:

  1. Really go out there and talk to locals. Be interested in them and really find out about their culture. Ask questions about what you don’t understand. Use your smile as your “weapon“. 🙂
  2. Bring a microphone (your smartphone probably has one). It shows a real interest in the people you’re talking to and it makes them feel important. You can also use it as a scrapbook. Make sure you ask for permission before you start recording, though.
  3. Get Lost. Really get lost in the place you are. If you have a car don’t use the map. Go left where you feel you should. On foot, you can do exactly the same. It will help you to get connected to local people. Don’t worry, you can always take a taxi to go home.

Interview Links

Links that are mentioned in this episode:

Traveling the World on Culture Matters

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