Cultural Awareness Training for Managers, Sales & Operational staff

Cultural Awareness Training for Managers

Today’s managers increasingly work in international and multi-cultural environments.cultural awareness training for managers

Therefore Cultural Awareness Training is a real must!

In addition to the normal pressures of people management, managers must deal with challenges, conflicts, and misunderstandings coming from cross-cultural differences.

Effective management in the current environment demands cross-cultural competency to get the best out of a multicultural team.


Cultural Awareness Training for Managers courses are designed to create understanding and skills by:

  • Offering insight and understanding of each person’s own culture and increased awareness of how cross-cultural and intercultural issues manifest in the workplace.
  • Coaching on skills such as communication, decision-making, teamwork, and conflict avoidance & resolution.
  • Developing skills and approaches to deal with cross-cultural and intercultural issues.
  • Providing tools on how to maximize cultural differences and synergize the potential of a multicultural team.

Our tailor-made workshops are designed to help you maximize your people’s potential.

These courses are best held over two days allowing you to better digest the variety of issues involved in Cultural Awareness.

This way it also complements a manager’s busy and pressurized environment.

However, we are also able to design and deliver high-quality one-day workshops that are equally insightful and productive/effective.

All our (senior) management courses are delivered by a cross-cultural communications expert with experience in management.

Objectives in dealing with cultural differences effectively can be defined as:

  • Culture versus Individual: being able to identify whether perceived differences are attributable to the individual or have cultural merit.
  • Customer Service: is not culturally neutral. Creating an insight in the cultural aspects of service (internal & external) will assist in a more effective approach toward those customers.
  • Motivational drives: different cultures have different motivations. Wrongly used they can de-motivate a person, correctly used they can lead to higher productivity as desired.
  • Tools: supply participants with tools to actively and constructively approach the different issues in their work environments.
  • Relationship building: within different cultures, there is a completely different meanings of the word “relationship”. When these relationships take shape positively and constructively they will lead to (see next item)
  • Mutual Trust: one of the most fundamental issues when doing cross-cultural business.
  • Enhanced Awareness: of the “other culture” but even more important awareness of one’s own cultural biases (towards the “other culture”).
  • Cultural Sensitivity: the ability to identify the cultural aspects in everyday working situations.
  • Insight into intercultural communication and management skills
  • Enhancement of the effectiveness of working in multicultural teams

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Cultural Awareness Training for Managers

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Culture Matters