Cultural Awareness Training on Team building

Cultural Awareness Training on Team Building

In the current international business arena, the mono-cultural team is increasingly a thing of the past.Cultural Awareness Training on Team building
; Webinar working with virtual teams

The companies and organizations of today consist of people from all corners of the globe. Colleagues work in multi-cultural teams either in the same office or across borders. They either work physically together or virtually. Issues can and do arise in areas such as the approach of and towards management, expectations of colleagues and the organization, decision-making, planning, conflict avoidance & resolution, and communication styles.

It is crucial that clear lines of communication are promoted and cross-cultural misunderstandings minimized if such multicultural teams are to function effectively.

We can assist you in getting the best out of your multicultural teams through our cross-cultural team-building courses.

The Benefits

Our top-notch cross-cultural team-building course is designed to:

• Facilitate the building of interpersonal relationship skills.
• Foster mutual trust, understanding, and respect.
• Help understand where cross-cultural differences lie, and how to overcome these.
• Provide solutions, tools, and techniques to facilitate the team-building process.

The workshop course is built around areas and approaches such as:

• Discover how culture impacts businesses, personal relationships, and team building.
• Offer self-analysis exercises to help participants identify conflict areas within a team, and provide tools to overcome these effectively.
• Agreeing on team goals and objectives.
• Addressing the underlying cultural genetics of differences.
• Investigate ways in which differences can be resolved.
• Establishing behavioral strategies for dealing with future issues.

When you’d like to know more, click here to contact us

Cultural Awareness Training on Team Building on Culture Matters

Team building. What is it?